Expanded Neighborhood Patrol (ENP) security program
offered by the Dallas Police Department

Residents of Windsor Park formed WPHA DALLAS ENP, INC. in 2016 to administer our new ENP patrol program, and Members are residents who have paid annual fees to WPHA DALLAS ENP, INC. to cover the costs for Dallas Police Department expanded patrol service.  This patrol service is not included in the annual membership dues for Windsor Park Homeowners Association, which dues are used for the beautification and upkeep of our neighborhood.

ENP is a police patrol program provided under contract with the Dallas Police Department to provide armed, uniformed off-duty police officers to patrol the neighborhood in a DPD squad car. The ENP officer is connected to the dispatch system as if s/he were on duty and will respond to normal 9-1-1 calls which are from a Member (dues-paying) house and when they are on duty in our neighborhood at the time. The ENP officer will not respond to a simple crime at a non-Member house in the neighborhood (such as false alarm) or normal crime outside of the neighborhood (such as car break-in at Northpark mall). The ENP officer’s location will be visible to dispatch as off-duty vehicle, so will not reduce the normal police presence in the area. The ENP officer is armed and authorized to make arrests, issue citations etc. The ENP officer will patrol in uniform and in a DPD official police car which is equipped with a computer allowing the officer to check for outstanding warrants, stolen cars, etc. on the spot. We have provided an iPhone to the ENP officer which has the contact information of every ENP Member on it, so s/he will know who you are when you call for non-9-1-1 matters, and the officer can call you to clarify suspicious matters at your residence.  The program brings police response to a Member's home quickly when the ENP officer is on duty. A data terminal onboard will allow ENP officers to check instantly for stolen vehicles or outstanding warrants. For more information, please click on the ENP Program Benefits tab.

This program is available only for paid Members of Windsor Park, Brookshire Park and Lane Park. Non-members will not be able to take advantage of this expanded security program.  You can see a graphical depiction of homes in Windsor Park which are under the watchful eye of the Dallas Police Department ENP program by clicking on the WPHA ENP Member Map.

In 2019, we added Brookshire Park residents to our ENP.  Brookshire Park members are indicated on this BP Member Map.

All residents of Lane Park are members as of July 1, 2021, so no member map is provided.

Click on Link for Additional Information
ENP - FAQ ENP Registration Form
ENP Program Benefits ENP Officer Information
Windsor Park ENP Member Map ENP Bylaws
Brookshire Park Membership Map ENP Filing Letter
DPD Officer Team ENP IRS Tax Exemption Letter
Notify ENP of an upcoming trip View 2025 Annual Meeting Slides

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