Dallas Police Department Expanded Neighborhood Patrol Expanded Neighborhood Patrol Registration
The minimum annual membership fee for our ENP program for off-duty Dallas police officers to patrol our neighborhoods is $500 if paid by check or $525 if paid by credit card online. For Windsor Park residents, we offer a combined fee of $550 for both the ENP membership and HOA dues, or $575 if paid by credit card online. Lane Park pays for its residents directly so that all Lane Park residents can be ENP members.
Any additional money that is given will be used to add extra hours in December and summer months when people are more likely to be away from their homes. Checks should be made payable to WPHA-ENP and dropped through the door at the address on your neighborhood form or can be paid with credit card through the PayPal link on our website.
Please return
the completed form for your respective neighborhood with your payment so we know how to contact you.
We will provide you the phone number for the officer on duty when
we receive your subscription. Please note therefore that cell
phone numbers are important for ENP police offers to contact you
Please click on the link for your neighborhood form:
Additional questions can be sent to officers@wphadallas.com
See the FAQ at this link - ENP-FAQ